16 research outputs found

    Estimating the Number of Discrete Models of Biological Networks

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    MSIS-Kadelka: Algebraic Methods for Inferring Discrete Models of Biological Networks

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    Reverse-engineering of polynomial dynamical systems

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    Multivariate polynomial dynamical systems over finite fields have been studied in several contexts, including engineering and mathematical biology. An important problem is to construct models of such systems from a partial specification of dynamic properties, e.g., from a collection of state transition measurements. Here, we consider static models, which are directed graphs that represent the causal relationships between system variables, so-called wiring diagrams. This paper contains an algorithm which computes all possible minimal wiring diagrams for a given set of state transition measurements. The paper also contains several statistical measures for model selection. The algorithm uses primary decomposition of monomial ideals as the principal tool. An application to the reverse-engineering of a gene regulatory network is included. The algorithm and the statistical measures are implemented in Macaulay2 and are available from the authors

    Network Topology as a Driver of Bistability in the lac Operon

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    The lac operon in Escherichia coli has been studied extensively and is one of the earliest gene systems found to undergo both positive and negative control. The lac operon is known to exhibit bistability, in the sense that the operon is either induced or uninduced. Many dynamical models have been proposed to capture this phenomenon. While most are based on complex mathematical formulations, it has been suggested that for other gene systems network topology is sufficient to produce the desired dynamical behavior. We present a Boolean network as a discrete model for the lac operon. We include the two main glucose control mechanisms of catabolite repression and inducer exclusion in the model and show that it exhibits bistability. Further we present a reduced model which shows that lac mRNA and lactose form the core of the lac operon, and that this reduced model also exhibits the same dynamics. This work corroborates the claim that the key to dynamical properties is the topology of the network and signs of interactions.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, supplemental information include